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12 Best DIY SEO Tips For Small Businesses

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a valuable marketing tool that drives organic traffic to your website, which could mean potential clients, new revenue and traffic. SEO is essential, especially for small business owners and those who run ecommerce sites. If you do not have a large marketing budget to hire SEO experts, do not worry: there are plenty of simple DIY SEO tips for small businesses. You may also use the best SEO tools to assist you in the task.

Once you have mastered the fundamentals of SEO, you can decide whether you want to take your optimization to the next level by subscribing to small business SEO packages. However, choosing the best affordable SEO service can be tricky.

What is Small Business SEO?

Small business SEO is the process of increasing your small business’s website visibility on Google SERPs so that you rank high and are visible in search queries related to your business. Small business SEO should not be confused with local SEO, as the latter helps businesses appear only in location-based searches rather than general results.

Some small businesses, however, may hope to capitalize on local traffic; if this is the case, your small business strategy will include local SEO steps.

12 Awesome Small Business DIY SEO Tips

Small businesses are one of the fastest growing industry segments across the world. Their importance can be judged by the fact that when everything was shut down during the pandemic lockdown days, these small businesses supported major economies in a number of ways. If you own a small business and are looking to grow it with SEO, here are 12 awesome SEO Tips for small businesses:

  1. Conduct Keyword Research

  2. Identify Keyword Gaps

  3. Configure Search Analytics

  4. Include Your Website in Your Account

  5. Create Internal Links

  6. Mobile Optimization

  7. Increase Click-Through Rates

  8. Improve Title Tags

  9. Google Search Console

  10. Produce Valuable Content

  11. Refresh Old Content

  12. Analyze Analytics

Now that you have got an idea about what you need to do, let’s learn more about this in detail.

Importance of SEO for Small Businesses

SEO is essential for small businesses because it allows them to generate organic traffic without having to spend too much money on advertisements in SERPs or other channels. When your website appears in search results, you become more competitive and drive more traffic, which helps you generate engagement, sales, and build a customer base.

If you do not optimize your site, your competitors may be the only ones who appear in search results, and your target audience may be unaware that you exist. This way you will lose potential customers in the form of website traffic.

12 Best DIY SEO Tips For Small Businesses

Small businesses may not always be able to hire an expert for their website SEO. These DIY SEO tips for small businesses will help business owners begin their website optimization journey without much hassle.

  1. Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research has two major advantages. First, by identifying and organizing relevant search queries, you will gain an understanding of the words and phrases that customers use to find your products and services. Second, these keywords can then be used in product descriptions, titles, and blog posts to improve your organic search rankings.

However, keyword research is not limited to SEO. Understanding how consumers search for their wants and needs reveals competitors and sparks ideas for new or improved products.

There are numerous free and freemium keyword research tools available. Organizing keywords by common intent can be difficult. You can utilize Google spreadsheets and other tools to organize them in a simple manner so that they are accessible at every time.

  1. Identify Keyword Gaps

A keyword gap is defined as a search query for which two or more of your competitors rank but your site does not. Tools like Ahrefs and Semrush can help you identify those missing keywords and opportunities for your brand.

The entire analysis is completed in under 30 minutes. You will have new content ideas, new pages to create, and popular informational queries to answer.

  1. Configure Search Analytics

Other tools available to marketers to establish a baseline for their search position include those provided by Google and Bing. We have provided a step-by-step guide for tracking your domain using Google Analytics below.

Here’s how to get started with Google Analytics:

  • Create a Google Analytics account.

  • Create your “property” (your website).

  • Configure your property’s “reporting view.” This allows you to filter data based on IP address or defined sales regions, for example.

Analytics will then request that you add a tracking code to your website, allowing Google to collect data. After that, you can begin viewing data. You filter the data in different views to focus on the data points that are more relevant to you.

  1. Include Your Website in Your Account

You must prove that you own the website. Bing provides three options for doing so: XML file authentication, meta tag authentication, and adding a CNAME record to DNA. After that, you can begin tracking data by uploading your site maps.

  1. Create Internal Links

Internal linking is critical for increasing the organic visibility of important pages. Google crawls websites by following links. Its algorithm gives each page equity based on how many internal links point to it.

Google provides no guidelines for internal links or where they should be placed. However, Google employees have hinted at the priority over the years:

  • The primary navigation.

  • In-content, for example, the body of a blog post.

  • Footer.

  • Above-the-fold (top of page).

  • Sidebar.

For variety, an internal linking strategy should include all of these locations. Use content widgets such as “Related,” “Top,” and “Popular,” and make sure that your key pages are linked directly from the main navigation or are only a click or two away.

  1. Mobile Optimization

Data shows approximately 56% of users conduct an online search for a product or service via a mobile device. Google’s mobile-first index also heavily relies on voice search. If your site is built on WordPress, Shopify, or another platform, it should be simple to optimize for mobile if it is not already.

Use responsive themes that are designed to work on any screen size, giving your visitors easy access to your site via their smartphones or tablets. You should also run a mobile-friendly test on your website to see how it performs on smaller screens.

Enter your URL and run a test to see what changes for your site. The test will provide a screenshot of how the page appears on mobile as well as any page loading issues. You can then read the report to figure out how to improve your mobile site.

If someone visits your website and it takes too long to load, they will leave. To ensure optimal performance, you should regularly clear out any temporary files that may be lurking on your server or in the visitor’s browser cache. This caching policy speeds up mobile site loading, resulting in less traffic leaving before your site loads.

  1. Increase Click-Through Rates

While keyword research identifies opportunities for ranking, click-through optimization generates more traffic from existing positions. Rich and structured snippets are a preferred click-through strategy. Both are noticeable on search engine result pages.

They require minimal coding in the form of markup. Third-party plugins facilitate the process. Rich snippets and structured snippets improve the appearance and click-through rate of organic rankings.

  1. Improve Title Tags

Title tags seem to be gradually losing organic ranking power, but they continue to be important. Including keywords in the title informs Google about the purpose of the page.

Furthermore, a well-written title is likely to be the most visible part of a standard search-result snippet. As a result, it may have an effect on click-throughs as well. Title tags are frequently the most visible part of a standard search-result snippet. So, it is important that you write an engaging title that is also SEO friendly so that it catches the attention of users as well as the search engines.

  1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free platform that allows you to add your entire website to it. The console, which is an essential component of technical SEO, will provide you with information on:

  • Performance

  • Coverage

  • Enhancements

Getting information about coverage is critical because it informs you of any errors discovered on your site during a Google crawl. Correcting these errors increases the number of indexed pages on your site and can be used to improve user experience. You should use Search Console because it is free and can be used to identify low-hanging fruit.

You can also monitor the SERPs for your company’s keywords to see how they change over time. This will aid in keyword research and brainstorming new long-tail keywords that complement your current ones.

  1. Produce Valuable Content

Knowing a page’s primary keyword and including it in the title is an important aspect of optimizing content. The most important strategy, however, is to generate genuinely useful information that consumers want to consume. It is impossible to optimize content that no one wants to read or watch in the end.

Google now recognises searchers’ intent as well as the relevance and value of content. However, it all begins with useful content that serves your target consumers and answers their questions revealed by search queries.

  1. Refresh Old Content

The majority of content gradually loses organic traffic. Because of the date in the search snippet, older content receives fewer organic clicks. Furthermore, Google makes an effort to surface newer content. However, you can recover a significant portion of that loss by updating content with new data, references, and descriptions, among other things.

Because of the date in the search snippet, older content receives fewer organic clicks. Refreshing the content will also allow you to stay ahead of competition by keeping your website updated as per updates released by Google.

  1. Analyze Analytics

Understanding organic search performance requires the use of Google Analytics and Search Console. They report the pages with the most organic traffic, the keywords that drive that traffic, as well as traffic engagement and conversions, among several other metrics.

In the absence of detailed reports, at the very least, monitor your analytics for traffic declines or site performance issues on a regular basis. Both necessitate immediate attention. These metrics will allow you to monitor your business performance in an effective manner. You can then form or modify strategies accordingly to suit your business objectives.


Small businesses that are looking to optimize their websites for search engines at minimal cost or without any investment can utilize these DIY SEO tips. These are easy to implement and require very little technical knowledge. However, if your business has the budget to hire a professional, we can help you get quality traffic at affordable rates. With a professional SEO agency your business can do far better than it would using DIY SEO tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do SEO on my own? You can absolutely do your own website SEO or DIY SEO (Do It Yourself SEO). Anyone can learn how to do SEO for their business with some research and practice. Consider it a series of actions both on and off your website that will help it rank higher in search engines. These actions can be as simple as researching and incorporating keywords into your content or as complex as requiring a little more technical knowledge. We have shared DIY SEO tips for small businesses in the post above. How can a small business improve SEO? A small business can improve their SEO by focusing on website technicals, onpage SEO optimization and off page activities. They should always follow the best SEO practices to stay ahead of the competition and get their website ranked in the top of SERPs. Is SEO worth it for small businesses? SEO could be a gamechanger for small businesses. It can help businesses bring in more revenue in form of new orders, customers and/or traffic. Growth could be a crucial aspect for small businesses trying to survive in today’s competitive environment, hence SEO would always be worth investing in for small businesses. What is SEO and how does it work for small businesses? SEO is a way to get people to know your brand and helps your site show up higher on Google and other search engines. An SEO agency is a company that helps businesses improve their online presence and rank higher in search engines like Google, Safari, and Bing. SEO professionals bring more traffic to the websites of small businesses by focusing on its technicals and optimizing it for relevant keywords.

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